PS5 上已经白金过了,PC 上就瞎玩吧,已经直接改到了 200 级,可能会打一些 mod~~
Kickstart checklist (not including crafting mat & runes. See for detail):
- Gatefront to get horse
- Gatefront cellar to get whetstone knife
- Bridge of Sacrifice to get stonesword key
- NW of Demi-human Forest Ruins to get faith tear
- Church of Pilgrimage
- 4th Church of Marika
- Callu Baptismal Church
- Stormhill shack to get stonesword key
- NE -> the cliff (there's a giant) to get strength tear
- E to kill the golden knight and get Golden Vow
- 3rd Church of Marika
- Minor Erdtree S of Limegroove East map location to get Spiked Cracked Tear & Greenspill Tear
- Mistwood Ruins cellar to get Axe talisman
- Fort Haight to get medallion
- NE of 3rd Church of Marika, teleporter, Lenne's Rise to get memory stone
- Fort Faroth to get medallion
- Church of Irith
- NW to merchant to get Lantern
- Purified Ruins cellar to get Two Finger Heirloom
- N, teleporter
- Crystalline Woods grace
- SW to get academy key
- Run through the academy to get to volcano manner. On the way, go past the loop elevator to get somber stone 3. Also Go up the loop elevator to touch grace. Upgrade weapon before go to volcano manner.
- In volcano manner, jump down and take the sketchy lift. Go right to get somber stone 5.
- Kill Godskin Noble
- Go through the route to kill Rykard, but just touch the grace
- After finishing Nepheli Loux's quest line, confirm that Gostoc has the dragon smithing stone. Kill him and bring the bell to the two grannies in the roundtable hold.
- Bring Lanya to RH. Lanya is a servant and companion to the fancy armor guy in RH.
- Kenneth Haight asked me to take back Fort Haight.
- Find Thops in the academy
- Get the Throny Crack Tear and kill Mogh
- Get all the somber miner ball bearings